Robert C. Martin minced no words while he made that statement. For those
who think themselves as the problem solvers and all the code freaks out
there, Sentience’19 is here with a platform for you to prove your
mettle. This could be the event that gives you that confidence to code
which could change your life forever.
Problem Statement: This is a competitive programming event. There will
be a set of questions, and participants will be required to write
programs to solve them (in C, C++ or Java), which will be judged by an
online judge. The team which solves the maximum number of questions in
least time will be declared as the winner.
⚠️ Qualifier Round
NITD Programming League Qualifier round is on!
Event Criteria
Team Size: 1-3
General Rules
Your team will be required to write programs to solve the given problems, which will then have to be submitted to an online judge.
Your programs can be written in any language.
There will be a runtime limit for each problem. Your solution should pass all the hidden test data within that time limit to receive the accepted verdict.
The winner will be declared on the basis of number of questions solved. If number of questions solved is same, the winner will be the team who solves the problems in least amount of time.
There will be a time penalty for each wrong submission to the online judge, but not for compilation error.
Team will have no access to cell phones.
Taking help of any kind will result in immediate disqualification.
For events with team participation, only one team member needs to register and all team members should be of same Institution.